Introducing Gravitational Waves to students in Greece, in the framework of the Athens Science Festival
"Gravitational Waves, a new observational window to the Universe": Introducing Gravitational Waves to students in Greece, in the framework of the Athens Science Festival
Students had the opportunity to visit an interactive installation which introduces spacetime curvature in an artistic fashion using one's body to emulate the effect of mass on spacetime and to investigate the principles of Gravitational Wave detection through a dedicated Michelson interferometer.
Finally, they did learn how they can help researchers optimize the Virgo detector by hunting glitches through the citizen science project GWitchHunters (
The event was organized by Frontiers Project Partner Ellinogermaniki Agogi with the support of the EGO & the Virgo Collaboration and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics of Italy (INFN), in the framework of the Reinforce EU project.
Organizing team:
Manuel Chaniotakis , Maria Panagopoulou, Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou
(Ellinogermaniki Agogi)
Supported by: Giada Rossi, Dr Vincenzo Napolano
European Gravitational Observatory (EGO)
The installation was produced by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics of Italy (INFN)
Concept and Scientific direction:
Vincenzo Napolano, Francesca Scianitti
Marco Barsottini και Alessandro Capozzo