MUTUAL LEARNING EXERCISE Citizen Science Initiatives - Policy and Practice (REPORT)
This report provides background information on the Mutual Learning Exercise on Citizen Science. It is written with a science policy audience in mind and provides an introduction and details of the modus operandi for the MLE. The report first provides a brief overview of the activities that are part of the field of citizen science. It then covers the available information about participation, and the place of citizen science within the wider context of public engagement with science, including an analysis of Special Eurobarometer 516. The report also looks at definitions, typologies, and best practice guidelines. Finally, it looks at the place of citizen science within European R&I funding programmes.
The Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on ‘Citizen Science Initiatives - Policy and Practice’ (CSI-PP) commenced in December 2021.
The purpose of this MLE is to facilitate the exchange of information, experience and lessons, as well as to identify good practices, policies and programmes in relation to varying approaches at local, regional and national levels, towards supporting and scaling up citizen science. An additional objective is to identify citizen science campaigns that have high potential to be implemented in a collaborative way across the European Research Area (ERA).