LabEx UnivEarthS Thematic School 2020
The LabEx UnivEarthS will present the new edition of its Thematic School from Monday 14 December to Wednesday 16 December 2020. This year's theme is "Opening Science, a challenge for geosciences and astrophysics".
Due to the health context, this event will be held entirely online.
The School will take place in three sessions:
Session 1: Opening Science: how and why (14 December afternoon)
Session 2: Sharing data and tools (15 December afternoon)
Session 3: Participatory science: citizens at the heart of Science (16 December afternoon)
During the last session, at 17:15 Rémy Le Breton, from the Astroparticle and Cosmology (APC) laboratory, will give a presentation about the REINFORCE project, expaining how it aims to bridge the gap between scientist and citizens.
More information can be found here.