First open session of the NEWSERA #CitSciComm Labs
NEWSERA project analyses and evaluates the strategies addressed to quadruple helix stakeholders in citizen science projects as the new paradigm for science communication. The NEWSERA co-creation workshops on communication of citizen science projects, the #CitSciComm Labs, are starting next week and will have an open session.
The first workshop is focused on reaching and communicating to one specific stakeholder, citizens and society at large and consists in several sessions throughout the week.
The open session will be on December 18th and it is open to representatives of any citizen science project based in Europe and United Kingdom, but also to experts in citizen science or communication. To participate to the meeting, registrate by filling the form below by December 17th. Participants will receive an email with instructions to attend the meeting.
At this meeting a group of practitioners from citizen science projects will share their work carried out in the previous sessions and focused on communication strategies towards citizens and ways to improve them.
The practitioners from the citizen science projects have been selected through the NEWSERA survey and during the week they will meet representatives of the stakeholder group, communication experts and the NEWSERA team to create together effective and innovative communication strategies on citizen science projects addressed to citizens. Three groups of practitioners, one for each country of the project consortium (Spain, Portugal and Italy) will work in parallel and then will meet at the open session with other participants.
You can register and find more information here.